|iris-esmf-regrid_version| |build_date| [unreleased]

This document explains the changes made to iris-esmf-regrid for this release (View all changes.)

📢 Announcements

  1. N/A

✨ Features

  1. N/A

🐛 Bugs Fixed

  1. N/A

💣 Incompatible Changes

  1. N/A

🚀 Performance Enhancements

  1. @stephenworsley added support for lazy regridding, this showed an improvement in the performance of the regridding benchmarks. (PR #80)

🔥 Deprecations

  1. N/A

🔗 Dependencies

  1. N/A

📚 Documentation

  1. N/A

💼 Internal

  1. @trexfeathers added support for ASV benchmarks on the CI. (PR #79)

  2. @lbdreyer fixed an issue with directory naming. (PR #92)

  3. @stephenworsley added benchmarks for regridding with lazy (PR #100) and realised data. (PR #98)